Empower Open-Source AI: Subscribe to the Smart Connect Official Service

Connecting ChatGPT to Your Notes with the Smart Connect Official Service 🌴
Watch this video to learn how your support drives innovation and the future of open-source AI with Smart Connect.

Hello Second Brain Enthusiast,

You’ve been using the Smart Connections Obsidian plugin and are excited about integrating your notes with ChatGPT.

You want to ChatGPT to be able to access your notes without uploading your data to the cloud.

You understand the value of supporting open-source software and the need for continuous development.

I created the official Smart Connect service for you.

Why Subscribe?

Your subscription directly funds:

  • New Features: Regular updates and innovative additions to enhance your experience.
  • Ongoing Open-Source Development: Keeping the project accessible and continuously improving.
  • Community Building: Creating a vibrant, supportive community where we can all learn and grow together.

Your Impact:

By choosing the official service, you’re not just a customer; you’re a vital part of my mission. Every subscription helps push the boundaries of what’s possible, ensuring the longevity and success of Smart Connect.

Together, We Innovate:

Join me on this exciting journey. Your support means the world to me and empowers me to keep innovating. Let’s create something incredible together.

Limited-Time Offer: The first 100 yearly subscribers will also get access to the private supporter community, where you can connect and share ideas. Don’t miss out!

Thank you for being an essential part of our community.

Brian 🌴

P.S. Staying true to our open-source mission, you can set up your own connection for free. Watch this video for instructions.

🗝️ Connection Key: Each plan comes with one (1) connection key.

🌐 Private Supporter Community: The first 100 “I’m With You!” (yearly) subscribers also get access to the private supporter community, where you can connect, share ideas, and receive exclusive updates.